TSC Internship 2024/2025 Application Form Portal

TSC Internship for 2024/2025 is set to commenced therefore if you’re seeking for an opportunity within the Kenya Public sector, where you can get trained to become a full and well-nourished teacher you can apply.


The number of qualified teachers have significantly dropped for while in some Kenya institutions, and Kenya Government is looking forward to put things back by training individuals with promising talents. 

Not sure if you have the talent of becoming a full-fledged teacher? Well, that might quite be a problem. Still, that should not be your reason of not applying for TSC Internship 2024.

There are surely many approaches which the Kenya Teachers Service Commission use to equipped zero experience individuals with much experience and skills.

So, if you now have a whim about applying for the internship program, follow the steps in this guide to get it appropriately done.

TSC Internship Program 2024

A general public announcement has been made by the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) management about the employment of Teachers at intern level for Kenyan schools. 

The news was announced on 5th July, 2024 for individuals interested in teaching at primary and junior secondary schools.

The current positions which TSC is seeking to fill with intern teachers are a total of 20,000, with 18,000 positions in junior secondary schools and 2,000 positions in primary schools.

With this approach the professional body in charge of this project believes that adequate educational support will be implemented as it should be in primary and junior secondary schools.

Other than that purpose, the Teachers Service Commission has another purpose of creating jobs for graduates with no work be it that they graduated recently or the prior years.

TSC Internship Application Form 2024

The application form for TSC Internship 2024 is out. The form was released just after the announcement of the internship program. 

To make assessment of Application easy and shortlisting of applicants transparent, TSC management is approaching the use of online application. 

Other than that, it is quite easy to process the application online. All you need is to get the form from TSC portal, fill, attach the other requirements, and submit it back on the portal before the specified deadline.

Opportunities Available at TSC Internship 2024

As stated earlier, the opportunities which have emerged following the announcement of TSC internship 2024 are as follows:

  • Primary School Teacher Interns
  • Junior Secondary School Teacher Interns

Requirements for TSC Internship 2024

The requirements needed to be satisfied to be eligible for TSC internship 2024 solely depends on the opportunity (primary or junior secondary school teachers) you are applying for. 

A. Primary School Teacher Interns

  • This role is only applicable to Kenyan citizens
  • As an applicant, you must be a holder of a PI Certificate
  • Applicant must be a registered teacher with the Teachers Service Commission.
  • Teachers with Upgrade Diploma in Primary Teacher Education (CBC) will have an added advantage.

B. Junior Secondary School Teacher Interns

  • You must be a Kenyan citizen
  • Candidate must hold of at least a diploma in education with a minimum mean Grade of C+ (plus) and C+ (plus) in two teaching Subjects in KCSE or its equivalent.
  • Registration as a teacher with Teachers Service Commission is mandatory
  • If you feel that your qualifications are equivalent to the requested, you are to visit the Teachers Service Commission’s website to confirm your eligibility

Teachers from TVET institutions are also encouraged to apply to apply for the Junior Secondary School Teacher Interns.

TSC Internship Application Portal

The official application portal for TSC internship 2024 is www.tsc.com, and you will be needing this website when you are prepared to apply for the intern position. 

Furthermore, the application portal of TSC answers all the questions you have regarding the internship program, as well as every other information about Teachers Service Commission.

TSC Internship Selection Process

The selection process of TSC internship follows an easy and transparent method to appoint applicants to their intern posts. 

First, applications are submitted following the announcement of the internship. The management of Teachers Service Commission of Kenya will assess all submitted applications. 

Once the applications are all assessed, applicants who satisfied the minimum and mandatory requirements will be shortlisted and contacted for screening. 

After the screening, successful candidates will be appointed to their intern posts respectively. 

Furthermore, shortlisted candidates are to present the following at the screening:

  • A copy of Teacher Registration Certificate/print-out from TSC online portal as evidence of registration as a teacher;
  • A copy of National Council for Persons with Disability (NCPWD) card (where applicable)
  • A copy of the National Identity Card (ID) or Passport
  • Two (2) color passport size photographs;
  • A copy of National Health Insurance Fund (NHIF) card
  • A copy of Kenya Revenue Authority Personal Identification Number (KRA PIN)

How to Apply for TSC Internship 2024

  • Visit www.tsc.go.ke
  • Select the internship program
  • Go through the list of requirements needed to meet
  • Ensure that you completely satisfy these requirements for a successful application
  • Prompt the application button
  • Carefully read the application form
  • Fill and submit it

Application Deadline

The deadline for application submission for TSC Internship 2024 is drawing closer. You are to process your application, detailed as expected from Kenya TSC before 15th July, 2024.

Are TSC Interns Getting Paid?

Yes, TSC Interns are getting paid. Teacher interns handling primary schools will be eligible for a monthly stipend of Kshs. 20,000 and Kshs. 25 ,000 to junior secondary schools teacher interns. 

Additionally, teacher interns will be awarded a certificate on a successful completion of the program. 

TSC Internship Duration

TSC internship 2024 will last for 1 year (12 months). During this time, equipping and sustaining competencies of applicants entering the teaching service will be fully executed.

Important Information

  • As a successful candidate, you will be required to have Personal Accident Insurance coverage during the internship period.
  • Selection of applicants will strictly be on merit and based on the number of vacancies per County.
  • You must not fill more than one offer of internship.
  • On emerging success, you will be posted to serve at any primary or junior secondary school in the county where you were interviewed or in any part of the Country where the vacancy exists.
  • For the Junior Secondary Schools teacher intern position, you will be required to teach various learning areas under Junior Secondary Curriculum.

The recruitment exercise is free of charge. TSC warns against fraudsters who might try to lure you. Moreover, you are to keep an eye on the TSC website for further information.

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