KICD Recruitment 2024/2025 Job Application Form Portal

KICD Recruitment 2024/2025 Job Application Form Portal: Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development has been inviting interested candidates to join their ranks annually. Each year, the corporation holds a recruitment exercise to fetch out the best candidates with the needed specialties to work with them.


Recently, our readers have been asking us if the KICD Recruitment Exercise 2024 will be held, and if so, when is the recruitment exercise?

So, having received a lot of queries from our readers concerning KICD Recruitment, we have gathered all the necessary information concerning KICD Recruitment including when KICD Recruitment is starting, the job vacancies at Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development 2024, KICD job requirements, the recruitment process, how to apply for a job at Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development, KICD Recruitment portal, and other related information to the pressing question in this article.

Overview of KICD Recruitment 2024

The Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development (KICD) is a Kenyan corporation that analyzes vets and approves curriculum and curricular support materials for basic and tertiary education.

The corporation is also responsible for offering curriculum consultancy services and training in basic and tertiary education. The system was established by the Government of Kenya on the 14th of January 2013 under an Act of Parliament- Act No.4 of 2013.

However, The Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development (KICD) undergoes annual recruitment, and for the KICD 2024 recruitment exercise, we will share everything you need to know in this guide.

When is KICD Recruitment 2024 Starting?

Currently, there is no announcement on when Recruitment is starting. In other words, KICD has not announced when its recruitment exercise will start. In the meantime, we will advise you to arrange all documents needed to apply for a job vacancy at KICD Recruitment just as we will be sharing the details later on in this guide.

KICD Recruitment Process

The KICD Recruitment process is easily comprehensible. The Recruitment starts with The Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development (KICD) announcing the job vacancies at KICD Recruitment.

Along with the announcement of job vacancies at KICD Recruitment, the management will also invite interested applicants to seize the chance of becoming KICD members.

Afterwards, all applications will be reviewed and qualified candidates into the next stage will be shortlisted and told when to appear for the screening exercise. After the screening exercise, qualified candidates will be shortlisted and told what to do and the date to resume.

Apart from KICD jobs, it may also interest you to apply for:

KICD Job Requirement/Educational Qualifications

Though KICD job requirements differ depending on the role you are applying for. However, below are the basic requirements to apply for a job vacancy at KICD Recruitment:

  • You must be a Kenyan citizen with a valid means of identification.
  • You must not be below the age of eighteen (18) nor above twenty-six (26).
  • You must possess a basic level of education regarding the position you are applying for.
  • Optional: those with fundamental knowledge of computer operation have an added advantage.
  • You must have the needed work experience for about 3 – 4 years.

KICD Recruitment Portal is KICD’s official Recruitment portal that you need to apply for a job vacancy as we will detail the application process later on in this guide.

How to Apply for KICD Job Vacancies 2024

The KICD Recruitment job application process is easy to comprehend, and it is carried out as instructed below –

  • Open the KICD portal on your phone’s browser or go to
  • On the official portal page, go to the “Careers” tab.
  • Select the job vacancy you are applying for.
  • Download the application form and fill.
  • Submit the application form.
  • Scan and upload the required documents such as certificates of birth, degrees, and others.
  • Recheck your details and click on the “Submit” button.

Application Deadline for KICD Recruitment 2024

Just like the KICD Recruitment starting date, The Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development (KICD) is yet to announce when the application deadline for 2024. Moreover, judging from how it has been done in the past few years, the application is considered to be 4 – 6 weeks from the application starting date.

Facts to Note about the KICD Job Application

While you might need to apply for a job vacancy at KICD Recruitment, there are facts which you need to be guided with, and these facts are –

  • Do not pay for Kenya recruitment job applications. It is free.
  • Make job applications on time. You do not apply late or wait till the deadline.
  • Ensure to apply for a job vacancy at KICD Recruitment yourself to avoid mistaking your data.
  • Check your details before and after applying to ensure that your details are not filled wrongly.
  • Candidates who apply for multiple positions are unlikely to end up with one. Only apply for a position.


The Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development (KICD) Recruitment starting date in 2024 has not been announced yet, hence making us unable to provide when the recruitment date is starting. Once the date has been disclosed by KICD management, we will update it on this page for you.

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