British Army Commonwealth Recruitment 2024/2025 Application Form Portal

The British Army Commonwealth recruitment 2024 has just commenced, and for citizens of the Commonwealth countries, now is your chance of serving your country.


This recruitment exercise provides a unique opportunity for citizens from Commonwealth countries to join one of the most respected military forces in the world.

Through this exercise, individuals from Commonwealth nations who meet the eligibility criteria can apply for a range of military roles, from combat to engineering, medical services, and more.

Here, we will be going over some of the things that you may need to know, before you go ahead to submitting your application.

Is British Army Commonwealth Recruitment 2024 Ongoing?

Yes, the British Army Commonwealth recruitment is still ongoing this 2024. As of right now, you can apply for whatever role that you want to apply for within the British Army, provided that you have met the requirements needed.

British Army Commonwealth Recruitment Vacancies 2024/2025

There are quite a number of roles available in the British Army, which you can apply for.

Here are some of these key roles:

  • Specialist Roles
  • Medical Services
  • Combat Roles
  • Logistics and Support
  • Intelligence and Communications
  • Engineering and Technical Roles

Requirements for UK Army Commonwealth Recruitment

Here are the general requirements that you must meet, if you want to take part in the British Army Commonwealth recruitment:

  • Applicant must be at least 16 years old (with parental consent) to apply, and with the maximum age limit being 33 years old for regular roles.
  • He or she must be a citizen of any Commonwealth country
  • Neither refugees nor those seeking asylum are accepted to join the British Army.
  • Applicant must pass the Bleep Test, which basically involves running between two lines while following bleeping sounds.
  • Male applicants require a minimum score of 10.2, while female applicants need 8.1.
  • Applicant must have 35 ALIS points from 7 subjects, including a minimum grade of C/4 in English Language, Maths, and either Science or a foreign language
  • Applicant must not have offensive or obscure body piercing or tattoos.

British Army Commonwealth Recruitment Process 2024

The recruitment process for Commonwealth country citizens seeking to join the British Army is quite simple, and may even be simpler than you think.

Here is a brief breakdown of the application process for the British Army Commonwealth recruitment:

1. Online Application and Documentation:

This is the first step of the application, and it basically involves submitting your details, thereby signifying your interest to be a part of the recruitment. More information on how to send in your application online will be shared later.

2. Medical and Physical Assessments:

Once the initial application is accepted, candidates will undergo a medical screening and a series of physical fitness assessments.  This will test their endurance, strength, and overall health.

3. Interviews and Background Checks:

Following the fitness and medical assessments, shortlisted candidates will be invited for interviews. Background checks, including criminal history checks, will also be conducted at this stage.

4. Selection and Training:

Successful candidates will receive offers to join the British Army. Once the offer is accepted, they will proceed to Basic Training, where they will receive military training and preparation for their roles.

How to Apply for British Army Commonwealth Recruitment

Here are steps on how to apply for the British Army Commonwealth recruitment:

  • Visit the British Army application portal
  • Create an account on the application portal
  • Log in to your account
  • Navigate to the careers section.
  • Select the role that you wish to apply for
  • Click on the Apply button
  • Enter all the relevant information required on the application form.
  • Attach your CV, certification or any other relevant document.
  • Submit your application

Deadline for British Army Commonwealth Recruitment

The deadline for British Army Commonwealth recruitment is Tuesday, 31st December, 2024. All applications are expected to be submitted before the deadline. Late applications could lead to your application being invalid, and to your disqualification.


The British Army Commonwealth recruitment is probably one of the most sought after opportunities for citizens of Commonwealth countries who are looking to join the military. This gives them an opportunity to join a prestigious and well respected military. 

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